
Preaching The Gospel By Your Example

Our example can be very effective tool in preaching the gospel like a witness

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Bearing Fruit

Brethren are encouraged to bear righteous fruit.

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Rabbits Vs. Matzos

At this season of the year everyone in the world of western religion focuses on important spiritual symbols. Let’s take a look at one of the most common ones seen at Easter – rabbits – and contrast it to one of the nearly forgotten biblical symbols – unleavened...

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Failure is not an Option

Failure is not an Option

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Coming Out of This World With a High Hand.

The reason we celebrate the night to be much observed.

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The First Shall Be Last

We must remain focused as we are on the road to Jerusalem.

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Remove The Weeds From Your Spiritual Garden

In order to produce good fruit in our spiritual gardens, we must first remove the weeds.  Here is a review of a few of these weeds such as the "see-weed", "thought-weed", "busy-weed" and the "attitude-weed".  These weeds continually spring up much like physical weeds in our physical gardens.

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